Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Nioxin #30DayChallenge & Twitter Chat

Thinning hair is a growing problem for many people, men and women. How you feel about your hair can hugely
affect your confidence, and having lifeless, lacklustre hair can seriously impact how you feel about yourself.

Hair can become thinner for many reasons whether it be a natural process as you age or due to illness, heat damage from years of styling tools or chemical damage from colouring, (any of those sound familiar?) Nioxin have the solution! A new luxury, hi-tech hair care system inspired by skincare.

The Nioxin system works in three steps, much like your everyday skin care routine. Cleanse, optimise and treat. Step 1 involves specialist cleansing for hair and scalp to remove sebum, residue and pollution. Step 2 conditions and protects hair, which helps reduce hair loss through breakage. Step 3 optimises hair by thickening each strand of hair for a fuller look.

This month, to mark thinning hair awareness week which is 3rd - 9th March, Nioxin and the Institute of Trichologists are helping people with thinning hair concerns by launching a series of 30 day challenge events across the country at Nioxin salons. You can purchase the system and see for yourself in just 30 days, the amazing results this product offers as Nioxin promises users thicker, fuller looking hair in 30 days, guaranteed. You can check out the table below to see which salon near you is participating in this event:

Salon name
#30DayChallenge Salon Event
Sassoon, West Riding House, Albion Street, Leeds LS1 5AA
Please call for more details and to book your place: 0113 244 8813
Sassoon, 124C Kings Road, Chelsea, London SW3 4TR
Please call for more details and to book your place: 020 7730 7288
Salons across London will be holding events
– please see www.hobsalons.com for event details
Wednesday 5th March
48-50 Victoria Road Ferndown BH22 9HZ
Please call for more details and to book your place: 01202891373
Friday 7th March
21 Cheshire Street Market Drayton TF9 1PH
Please call for more details and to book your place: 01630656928
Salons nationwide with be holding events – please see http://www.headmasters.com/salons/
Wednesday 19th March
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS1 5DD
Please call for more details and to book your place: 0113 246 9162
Wednesday 5th March
10-14 High Street, Nottingham, NG5 7DA
Please call for more details and to book your place: 0115 972 9914

I'm also really excited to be co-hosting a twitter chat this Thursday 6th March from 12:30 - 1:30pm with @BeautyRecommend where we encourage you to ask their experts about any of your haircare concerns or worries. They'll be prizes given away during the hour and it'll be a great opportunity to get some expert advice.

I really hope you can join us in the chat on Thursday! Here's to full, thick lustrous hair for all of us!

Click here for the competition Terms & Conditions

Love Kate x

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  1. Can't wait to join the twitter chat!


  2. I really hope everyone joined in the chat!!

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