Thursday, 20 March 2014

Pregnancy Update | First Trimester babybowbow

Hi everyone! So as you may or may not know by now if you follow me on You Tube and my other social networky thingamajigs I'm having a baby! As I'm writing this i'm currently 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant which seems so crazy! I decided to keep it between me, my fiancé Rikki and our family for quite a while, but finally had to let the cat out of the bag so to speak, and I couldn't be more overwhelmed and chuffed with the support i've received from the first video I uploaded last week. Honestly, to anyone who's taken the time to comment or congratulate us thank you so, so much!

Basically you can just watch everything i've written in this post in the video below, but if you prefer to read instead of watch (or maybe you like to do both) then I've documented the first trimester below. I just thought that even if no one is very interested, it will be a nice thing to read back one day, and who knows, maybe even babybowbow will read it when she/he is older!

Finding Out:
We found out we were expecting on Tuesday 17th December 2013. One week before Christmas Eve. I was actually on my own at the time, as Rikki had just taken our niece and nephew home after we'd taken them out for the day. He was meant to got to football training straight after, but needless to say, when I called him, he knew why all I could say was 'you need to come home now' and he did! I think the reason I was in shock was because, as I said in the video, I can be the most negative person, and i'd often thought over the years that I might not be able to have children (for no rational reason, I'm just like that!) So when I saw the words PREGNANT I was just so shocked, and scared, and amazed, and ecstatic all at once. It was a very surreal feeling. We were both over the moon though and were so excited.

We worked out that the baby would be due on the 21st August 2014, and decided to tell our families on Christmas day. Let me just say, that that was one difficult week to get through! Not telling my Mum and Dad for a week was hard. That week felt like a month! During that week, I started to freak out a bit about a pain in my right side. I got it into my head that it might be an ectopic pregnancy and basically worked myself up and panicked myself so much that by the Sunday, Rik and I took a trip to A&E as he didn't want me worrying anymore. I just want to add in here that the pain wasn't very bad at all in the grand scheme of things, and I have the utmost sympathy for any woman who actually has had to go through that. It must be awful. I just suffer with anxiety when it comes to health. But that's a whole other story!

We went back the following day for a scan, and at 5.5 weeks, we could see the gestational sack on the screen, but nothing inside, they said it might take another week or so until they could see the foetal pole or heartbeat. They ruled out an eptopic pregnancy which was such a relief and it put my mind at ease, they did say the pain was caused by a cyst on the right ovary but it was nothing to worry about and was due to the pregnancy. We were asked to go back in 2 weeks for another scan, and during this time I of course convinced myself there would be no baby still when we went back, (such a positive person huh?) but I tried to enjoy the next couple of weeks as this was Christmas and New year. 

Telling our Families:
We told my family on Christmas Eve. I couldn't eat prawns, pate, or have lots of the nice Christmasy food (or drink of course) so I think they might have suspected something if we hadn't of told them then. Everyone was thrilled, there was lots of crying and hugging (and that was just my Dad) haha, no I joke! But everyone was so lovely and it was great to finally be able to tell them. We asked Rikki's family round earlier on Christmas morning so we could tell them on our own and they were really happy too! It was a lovely family Christmas, and even though the next 2 weeks felt like a lifetime, the second scan quickly came around. We went back at 7.5 weeks and there was our little baby blob on the screen with a heartbeat and everything! It was amazing to see such a big change in just 2 weeks.

Babybowbow at 7 and a half weeks. Even though the round part looks a bit like the head, that's actually the yolk sack,  and the longer part is the baby!
First Trimester Symptoms:
I would count myself very lucky as so far, I have had no morning sickness. I feel so bad for anyone that suffered/is currently suffering from it as it must be so horrible! I felt sick quite a lot, more in the evening, or if I smelt something bad, but I would take that any day over actually being sick. The worst symptom I had was by far the tiredness. I had absolutely no energy and didn't want to do anything, I could hardly get out of bed and really had to force myself to do basic things like go and make myself a drink or something to eat! In turn this made me feel quite down and tearful. I felt like I was going to feel like it for ever but luckily, anyone that's gone through it knows, it does go away again, and i'm currently at a point where I feel really energetic, which is good as we're moving house very soon! I'm sure, that tiered, exhausted feeling will rear it's ugly head in a few months, but i'm not really worrying about that now. I did enough worrying in the first few weeks, and now i'm just taking it day by day and generally trying to become a more positive person in general. As that's how I want our baby to know me. But I would say, to anyone that's going through it right now, if you feel scared of what's to come, worried you won't be able to cope with everything, and frightened about all aspects of being a pregnant woman and then a Mum. It's totally normal! And once I realised this, I felt so much better!

The 12 week scan:
We were so excited to finally go to our 12 week scan! I actually drank so much water before hand that I nearly exploded and ended up having to do a wee before! But luckily my bladder was still full enough for the scan. (Is this TMI? I'm not used to talking about this stuff yet!) And as soon as the sonographer started, there was our little baby, looking much more like a baby this time. It was a very surreal moment, and all we could both do was stare and the screen and smile. They said everything looked great, and they dated me 3 days ahead of what we had though, so the due date is currently 18th August 2014, although I'm sure this could change again at the 20 week scan. We either have a shy or a naughty baby, as she/he ended up getting bored of being looked at and turned it's back on us all. I had to get up and have a little jump around to get she/he to turn back around so that we could get a picture. And here it is:

Babybowbow at 12 and a half weeks. Looking a lot more like a baby! 

So this pretty much takes me up to the end of the first trimester. I can't say if was the most fun 3 months with the tiredness and everything else, but I certainly count myself lucky on the sickness front and it really marked a new chapter in our lives. One I am so, so excited about.

I've already filmed a baby haul video which will hopefully go up this weekend, and I can't wait to show you what buba has got so far! In the mean time, you can watch my First Trimester Video here:

I hope some of you found this helpful/enjoyable to read? Let me know if you have any questions, or if i've missed anything obvious out!

Kate x




  1. Wishing you so much

  2. Thank you for sharing this exciting journey with us. I find it so interesting and exciting to watch even though im along time away from having a baby haha xx
    New blog focusing on Events, Fashion, Beauty, Travel and loads of other stuff that i fancy (Still a work in progress)

  3. Congratulations! I'm so glad everything is going well for you, and I hope you manage to avoid morning sickness! I don't know a lot about pregnancy so this post was really interesting to read!

    Amy xxx
    messing with a dreamer

  4. Aww congratulations! Can't wait to hear more updates on babybowbow! xx

    A Little Treat | Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  5. Wow! I had missed the announcement video, but pregnancy really suits you! You look beautiful and your bump is so cute. I am glad you are trying to think more positively, as you said, this is probably going to be one of the most exciting times of your life. Go with it :) all the luck in the world!

    Kathryn xx

    Bit of a Freak | UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger

  6. Congratulations you must be so excited! I can't wait to see your channel develop and to "meet" your little one :) x

  7. This must be such an awesome, exciting time for you! I'm glad everything's going well, and I look forward to more updates. I'll be living vicariously through you - I wish I was at the right stage of my life for kids! Doing my best to be patient. Good luck with everything!

    Helen x // Beautiful Curiosities

  8. You are glowing! I am so happy for you and glad everything is going well!

  9. congratulations! Good luck and I hope you have a lovely pregnancy.

  10. aww congratulations. I haven't been online much recently so didn't even know you was pregnant, looking forward to baby haul video xx

  11. Congratulations! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly!

    Ioanna |

  12. congratulations kate! this must be so lovely and wonderful news for you and rikki! i hope the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly for you and i can't wait to hear more in your next update! :) X

  13. awww congratulations, i cant wait to follow your journey, i wish you the very best of luck

    Jess x

  14. Congratulations!

  15. Congratualtions, Kate! So so happy for you :D x

  16. Congratulations, you look absolutely stunning! I hope I will look as good if I ever fall preggers! :-)

    I wish you all the best xxxxx

  17. SO excited for you kate! I was giddy when I watched your announcement video. xx

  18. You look beautiful, you definitely have the "baby glow"! You and Ricky seem so happy, I'm so pleased for you both :-) xx

  19. Aw congratulations! I'm a fairly new follower and subscriber and at only 20, I'm not thinking about children any time soon but I found this video so interesting! I look forward to more pregnancy updates :) good luck!!!X

  20. You look beautiful, all the best for your pregnancy!!

    Check out my beauty giveaway..


  21. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Looking forward to following your journey :) x

  22. Congratulations lovely!
    I'm looking forward to your videos about this (:
    Love from Ellis / ELRBX / beauty & lifestyle blog x

  23. I'm so happy for you, congrats a million time. I'm sure that you are going to be a wonderful mother.

  24. Congratulations! I hope everything goes well for you over the next few months :) xx

  25. Just wanted to say congratulations! Being a mummy is the best feeling in the world. My little boy is 6 weeks today! I also had an early scan due problems I had and the change from then to the 12 week scan is incredible. I wish you all the best and will definitely be following your journey xxx

  26. This was lovely to read! Congratulations to you and Rikki, your dad's reaction was adorable aha.

  27. Aww this makes me so happy, congratulations!! xx

  28. Congratulations! You must be so so pleased :)
    Bea x
    Bea's Beauty Blog

  29. massive congratulations to you and your partner!
    I'm hearing of so many pregnancies at the moment which is great!
    Thanks for the fab, detailed post. xx

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  30. Stunning! I hope when i'm pregnant I look like this!

  31. Congrats! You look stunning! I wish you an easy pregnancy and a healthy baby <3

    Andera |


  32. pregnancy weeks

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