Friday, 2 May 2014

Cussons Mum & Me Review

Hello lovlies! I'm currently writing this post with the worst cold I can ever remember having! I hate feeling ill, and hope it's not going to last too much longer. Luckily, The lovely people at Cussons sent me some rather exciting products to try from their Mum & Me range which is definitely helping to cheer me up! I love the fact that the range has three categories, Bump, New Mum and Baby, so you have targeted products, for before babies born to pamper yourself with, and then you can move on to using The New Mum products once he/she's arrived plus they can also be pampered themselves!

Soothe & Nourish Body Lotion | Relax & Unwind Bath Soak
 Obviously i'm still currently at the Bump stage, so I've been enjoying trying out the soothe & nourish body lotion and the relax & unwind bath soak. The body lotion contains avocado oil and vitamin D, with almond and grapeseed oils to help hydrate the skin. This is especially good for growing bumps as the skin is being stretched everyday with can lead to dry, and irritated skin. I like to apply this at night after my bath. The bath soak is one of my favourite products in the range and contains camomile and jasmine, so it's the perfect product for a pre bed time bath. I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can before baby bow bow arrives and this definitely helps me to relax. It also makes your skin feel really soft!
Boob Firming Serum | Firming Butter | Stretch Mark Fader
 Even though i'm not quite at the New Mum stage just yet, I've been giving these products a little trial run, and am very happy to have them on hand for as soon as he's here! I definitely want to make the effort to start a little post pregnancy skin care routine to try and combat things like stretch marks, so having these products will, i'm sure come in handy during a time where skin care isn't on top of your priorities list.

The boob firming serum contains kigelia fruit extract to help improve the elasticity of the skin, and claims to leave your bust feeling firmer and tighter. I'll be really interested to try this over the course of about 4 weeks, to see if this makes a difference and i'll let you know my thoughts! I do love a good body butter, so i've tried the New Mum firming butter a couple of times already, and i'm really impressed so far. Obviously, again I'll need to test it out over a longer period of time to see results, but so far i'm loving it as a moisturiser. 

One of the most intriguing products I received was the stretch mark fader. It contains Lupin Seed extract, Pomegranate and Tamanu oils and has a metal rollerball applicator to apply it to the skin. I luckily haven't got any pregnancy stretch marks just yet, but I do have some faded ones from being a teenager, so I have no doubt i'll get some towards the end of the pregnancy, I'm just prone to getting them unfortunately! I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, (which i'm secretly quite happy about) but everyone's been really fasinated by  this one, and i've had a few family members try and pinch it off me! I'll report back on this too, but i'd love to know if you've tried the strech mark fader, or any of the range, and if the products have worked for you?

I'm looking forward to picking up a few products in the baby range once he's arrived as well. It still seems so far off!

Check out my latest Baby Bow Bow Update here: Pregnancy Update 24 Weeks!

Love Kate x





  1. Congrats on your pregnancy & hope you feel better soon!

  2. Looks like such a gorgeous range! Hope you feel better really soon lovely x

  3. Ah I loved the mum and me products when I was pregnant, still use the baby products now they smell so good.
    Liza | Glambeautys Beauty & Fashion Blog | YouTube | Glambambini Family & Lifestyle Blog

    1. Ooh I know they smell amazing! I'm really enjoying using them so far! x

  4. Get well soon! And congrats on your pregnancy!

  5. I love this brand
    L x

  6. Congratulations! Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Congrats! These products sound like such an amazing idea, i know a few mum's who strongly recommend bio oil for stretch marks!

  8. Aww colds when pregnant are the worst or at least I thought they were, but actually colds when breastfeeding are even worse. You still can't take anything but you also have a little one to look after. I wouldn't change it though as breastfeeding definitely meant he didn't suffer half as bad as he could have.
    I've not yet tried any of the Mum & Me products but I've had my eye on them for quite a while, especially the one for stretch marks. I think I might have to give it a go.

    Katie |

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